Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Life Update

A couple things...first, WE GOT AN APARTMENT! I am living with Aniela and another girl, Holly, next year. They'll both be in grad school in Chicago and we found a place in the North Center neighborhood (kind of near Wrigley Field). It's pretty much official; we're just waiting for our check and stuff to go through. YAY! Everyone needs to come visit! Now begins the VERY long task of repaying everyone for all of the time I've spent at each of your houses sleeping over and eating your food. It's 3 bedrooms and it's right near the brown line which would take me directly to where I will hopefully be working...

And that brings me to my next point. I had the final two interviews for this job at By the Hand Club this week. They went pretty well (I was much happier how the second one went compared to the first, but they were both fine). So hopefully I'll here back from them soon. Thanks for your prayers and I'll keep you updated.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Job Update

Just in case anyone was feeling the suspense that I am feeling, my final two interviews for the job I'm looking at are Monday at 2pm and Tuesday at 1:30pm. Hopefully I will find out soon after that! Thanks for your prayers!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Which cheesy tourist apparel item describes you?

Can you match the tourist-tshirt with the correct Chicago resident? Your choices are Eric, Krista, Jenn, and Paul. You can only use each name once, although I know that a couple shirts may apply to more than one person...

Spring Break 2009!

This past week, Mom and I went to New Hampshire. We had great weather (except for one day) and enjoyed snowboarding (well, me--not Mom so much), snowshoeing, eating, and massages. :)


(Mt. Washington in the background)

Taking a break on the side of the mountain

I'm tired.

Snowshoeing---they had really good scenic groomed trails

Just driving around on a rainy day

Out for breakfast

Getting ready to snowboard

It's a good thing that Mom wasn't playing hide and go seek--I think I would have won. :)

Outside of our condo/room--we had 2 huge rooms with a full kitchen and everything--and 2 spa bathtubs

Scene from the top of the chair lift--Mt. Washington in the background

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Colson got a (temp) job!

A brief update email Colson sent to a few friends....

Hey Studs and Ladies,
So God is faithful and answers prayer. Today i got a job!
Its just a temporary job probably through April. But its a job nonetheless.
It was kind of cool how it happened. Sarah was nagging me about checking out a posting on the career website (not all nagging can be bad). I checked out the posting and emailed my resume in last night. They called today and within 10 minutes on the phone I had an interview for this afternoon. They hired me on the spot. While the work is probably going to be boring (data entry), I'm so grateful. A full time job with a possibility for overtime is exactly what I need...