1. I walked from train to work in -12 degree temperatures.
2. The pipes burst in the kitchen at work.
3. Because the pipes burst, part of the gym (next to the kitchen) flooded
4. Because part of the gym flooded, dinner had to be moved to the other part of the gym
5. Because dinner had to be moved, things were not quite ready and dinner was not set up for the kids when they came down to eat.
6. Because dinner was not set up, the kids were stuck having to wait.
7. Having about 125 kids waiting in one place does not make for a good, orderly situation. Rather, 125 kids in one room with time to kill means disaster.
8. We finally made it through dinner.
9. One team leader had to stand with his 1st grade kid and hold him back from running around the building and terrorizing everyone.
10. Our director had to do an errand downtown last minute with the high school kids, so she had to leave in the midst of chaos.
11. A parent called me and asked me to walk her daughter home, since that girl's brother was not here today.
12. I walked her home in sub-zero temperatures.
13. I returned back to the gym and was immediately greeted by a crying 6 year old with puke on her face.
14. I cleaned up throw up.
15. I washed my hands...thoroughly.
16. The same kid listed under number 9 in this list refused to go home. He spent about 10 minutes kicking our front door.
17. Myself and our director began to walk to his apartment to get someone to get him, since last week we literally had to carry this kid up several flights of stairs to his apartment because he refused to go home.
18. He finally went home, or at least went inside his building.
19. I walked to the train in sub-zero temperatures.
20. I gained feeling back in my hands.
21. I talked to my boyfriend who loves Christ and loves me.
22. I went home to warm apartment with wonderful roommates.
23. I went out to dinner and was able to eat until I was more than full.
24. I will not freeze.
25. I have an awesome winter coat.
26. I have gloves.
27. I have hot apple cider to drink.
28. I realized that I enjoy going home. I do not go home kicking and screaming. Home is a place of rest and rejuvenation for me, not a place of dysfunction, abuse, and pain.
29. I work in a community that is desperately in need. But I get to go home every night to a life that is so different than those with whom I work. They don't get to just hop on a train and leave difficult circumstances.
30. I am very thankful that I get to walk to work in a warm coat. I am very blessed to be able to minister to a 6 year old girl by helping her clean herself up after throwing up. I am very thankful for my boyfriend, family, and friends, who love me and are a source of joy, comfort, and encouragement. I am very thankful that I can pay my gas and electric bills. I am very thankful I have Trader Joe's spiced cider to heat up. I love my job. I love my friends and family. I am very blessed.
All things considered, it was a great day today. Psalm 116:7 says, "Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the LORD has been good to you."
The LORD has indeed been good to me.