Thursday, May 29, 2008

Snail Mail Addresses

Hey Everyone,
So I'm leaving today for Europe! Ahhh! I'd love to hear from you all and email is a great way to do that. I also do love snail mail and care packages! :)

I can receive mail in the middle of the summer while I'm in Mittersill, Austria, for the retreat with the rest of the YHMers. I will get there June 30th. Please make sure mail arrives there before June 30. Here is the address:

Sarah Andersen / Wheaton College
The Registrar
Schloss Mittersill Study Centre
A-5370 Mittersill

Lastly, here's the address of the Norway hostel. I will be there from July 5-28 (with a quick visit to Como, Italy in the middle). Here is the address:

Sarah Andersen
Intermission Summer Lodging/NKSS
Kalfarveien 8
5018 Bergen, Norway

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