Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Another Day

I'm not going to write much because I really want to get home earlier for a change. J Today went okay. On a scale of 1 to 10 it was about a 6.5. One boy who was suspended last week for two days was the best kid in my class the entire day. I was really excited because I know he's a good kid. I just think he was maybe trying to show off to others a bit.

It was a bit frustrating during homework time today…I felt a bit unorganized and so many of the kids were struggling to pay attention, sit quietly, and work. Please pray that homework time tomorrow goes better. They're supposed to have 30 minutes of quiet work time and it's just not happening.

Thanks so much for your prayers. Considering I've had days that were a 1 or a 2 on a scale of 1 to 10, today was pretty good.

Sunday we go to the BEARS game with our kids! I'm really excited because this will give me the chance to hang out in a more fun environment with three of my kids.

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