Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why I Should Be President...

Ms. Anna from the Yellow Team (2nd graders with a few 3rd graders) at By The Hand posted this...I thought it was very entertaining. :)


This month's literacy lesson theme (based off of the LEAP curriculum for after-school programs) is government and community. This week my 2nd/3rd graders were working on mini speeches to read to their team, and then they were supposed to vote on a "President" of the Yellow Team based on the speeches. Here's some of my favorites (with most spelling/grammar fixed):

"If I was president I would give the whole world cookies and milk"-- no name

"Why I Should be President: First, I would help my country. Then, I would clean my town. Finally, [I would] help people get off the street. Because I can get people off the street. And keep people safe. And have pizza day. Vote for me!" -- Tyevell

"Why I Should be President: First, I would clean the whole world. Then I would clean my town. Finally I would let people love everyone." -- Unique

"I should be President because I love Jesus and my country and team and Anna" -- Jamari

"Why I Should be President: First I would help my country, Then I would help the poor people. Finally I will get a big house." -- Justice

"Why I Should be President: First I will save Chicago. Then I will try to get people off of the street. Finally I will take a Nap. Thank you for listening to my speech." -- Shamar

*** And my all-time favorites:

"I promise I will make the day fun. I promise I will speak for people. If I was president I will give people food. I'll teach you Spanish. I will help people. I love people. My mom is going to be President. She is a good girl. My dad can be President. He is a good man. The end. By by. Have a nice day. Good job."-- Eddie

"I should be president of the Yellow Team because I am brave and not scared of anything, not even werewolves. So that's why I should be president of the Yellow Team. 1. I'm a girl. 2. I don't be bad. 3. I'll teach you Spanish. Gracias. Thank you for listening to my speech and vote for me."--- Nesitia

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